Your contribution

Join us! Together we are changing our public institutions

Our public-sector institutions – schools, hospitals, town & city halls, courts, museums, ministries, and regulatory agencies – need to be more strategic. Their leaders should smartly choose value-creating priorities, align their teams around these priorities, and excel in making it all happen. Let’s tell them how to do it! We’ve already started by writing “Administrategy” – an innovative scholarly-based practice book for public-sector managers. Now we need your help to carry our message further.



Why You should care?

If you are often dissatisfied with our public-sector institutions – your city, your kid’s school, a hospital where you gave birth, a tax authority that oversees your business – here is a novel idea for how to fix them. Our book presents best practices on strategic public management – the techniques, which have worked so well in building successful knowledge-based organizations in the business world. Based on years of our research and experience in a number of countries, we have carefully adapted these winning techniques to the realities of government.
We are starting in our own backyard – Central and Eastern European countries of Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Ukraine. If you live here, you know exactly why we are so passionate about improving our governments. Basically, we want to see – within our lifetime – our nations becoming as prosperous and competitive as our Western European neighbors. Without dramatically improving the quality of our public sector, this is basically mission impossible.
But our backyard is only the beginning. After the successful launch of the book on our initial markets, we will go to other regions. Within 24 months, we plan to publish “Administrategy” in at least 5 more languages, including Spanish and English. We will follow up with interactive tools and trainings aimed at helping proactive public managers implement strategic thinking into their everyday work. Strategic governments focused on creating value for their societies, and not on bureaucratic drift, are badly needed everywhere.


What do we want, concretely?

  • First, we plan to carry a series of inspiring, practical workshops for 350 public managers.Their goal is to radically strengthen the competences of middle and higher-level managers of our public institutions. We want to help managers choose priorities, design best solutions, and then effectively implement them.
  • We also want to create an internet platform that will serve as a tool for continuous development and mutual motivation and inspiration among proactive public managers.


How can I support the campaign?


First, you can pay online with your RON Visa or Mastercard.


Second, you can make a traditional bank wire transfer to the account of Administrategy Lab Foundation, our regional foundation registered in Warsaw, Poland. Here’s the IBAN number of our RON account: PL 61 1140 1010 0000 3566 7100 1005 .  In the title of the transfer please write: “Administrategy -- a gift for the workshop campaign.” If your bank requires our address, please put: ul. Krochmalna 57, 00-864 Warsaw, Poland. For the SWIFT code, put: BREXPLPWWA1 and the name of the bank is: mBank SA. After making the transfer, please email us your contact details to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that we can stay in touch.



Thank you so much.
If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Our crowdfunding campaign -- questions and answers


We thought about it for many months. The result is our book -- we invite you to read it!
In short, we are convinced that one of the key reasons, for which we are permanently unhappy of our public institutions is the lack of prioritisation of their activities, and a weak emphasis on the role of talented employees in the system. For our public institutions to work better, we need to strenghten the competences and motivation of their leaders. “Public managers,” as we call both the political appointees and high-level civil servants, must exit their roles of “administrators” and become proactive, focused, and co-creators of our social and economic reality. They should use their potential in strong cooperation with partners and citizens-customers. Public managers must transform their agencies into flatter, knowledge-intensive organisations, in which caring about effectiveness, efficiency and customer satisfaction is a daily concern.
It is all easier said than done! That’s why we need your help!

Crowdfunding is an internet fundraising for an innovative social goal. It is based on the assumption that we have a common interest in our country and region having more new ideas, and more people and organisations challenging the status quo. If many people pay even a small amount, we can run the project totally independently of politics and large sponsors.

The book itself (translation, editing, printing of each national edition) is financed by our local publishers (and, occasionally, sponsors). But the book is just the first step in our bottom-up, organic effort to improve management practices in our governmental institutions – from schools and hospitals to town halls and ministries.

We need your help to launch two specific initiatives that would help us put the ideas from “Administrategy” to work.

The first one is the Administrategy Academy. We will organize a series of workshops for mid-to-high-level public managers in the four countries where we have launched the book. Because our trainers will volunteer their time, the per participant cost is very low. We will be able to deliver the workshops, in Poland, Romania, Hungary, and Ukraine, for just $11 per participant! That covers travel and accommodation for the trainers, all necessary training materials (including cases) for participants, and professional simultaneous translation when needed.

While governmental agencies in Central and Eastern Europe face persistent budgetary challenges, they do often have some funds for training of their personnel. Indeed, our mid-term goal is to become self-sufficient in part by precisely expecting our client institutions to cover the costs. Even during our early workshops, we will always explore the possibility of covering costs at least partially through fees. But we do not want to limit our message to institutions with big budgets. Indeed, it’s especially the other ones – a mayor’s office of a small town, a rural school or a neglected museum – that may need the knowledge in modern techniques of management.

Our fundraising target is flexible, which means we will deliver as many free-of-charge workshops as we can afford. We guarantee, however, that if we reach the $12,000 fundraising target, we will deliver free trainings to at least 350 public managers.

Our second initiative is the Administrategy Forum. It will be an online platform for sharing case studies and best practices about strategic public management. This is very important as there is currently very little systematic effort in Central and Eastern Europe to learn from what is working in our public sectors. Indeed, when we talk about government, we generally like to dwell in negativity. Our portal will break this narrative, featuring positive stories about specific public institutions and public managers, from across the political spectrum. We will not look for perfect stories – we want to highlight specific effective practices that can be replicated in a variety of contexts. We want successful administrategists from the entire region to have a place to share their experiences and best practices.

Each story needs to be researched, verified and translated. That is why we want to hire part-time research associates in each of the four countries where we are launching “Administrategy.” We crowdfund to sponsor a modest stipend for them – $200 gross a month – for six months.

No result.




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